Check your State Pension age - Makesworth Accountants

Check your State Pension age

State Pension age

Check your State Pension age

A ‘Check your State Pension age’ tool is available here. The tool allows taxpayers to check the earliest age they can start receiving the State Pension. The State Pension age is based on a taxpayer’s gender and date of birth and is subject to change as the Pension age increases. The tool can also be used to check a taxpayer’s Pension Credit qualifying age and when they will be eligible for free bus travel.

The Department for Work and Pensions, has confirmed that the Government intends to follow the recommendations made by John Cridland in his independent review of the state pension age to increase the State Pension to 68 between 2037–39, seven years earlier than planned. These changes will require legislation which is not expected to be put in place before the next State Pension age review that needs to be completed by July 2023.

The change will not affect anyone born before 5th April 1970. However, those born between 6 April 1970 and 5 April 1978 will see their State Pension age increase to between 67 and 68 depending on their date of birth. Those born after 6 April 1978 will see no change to their Pension age which was already set at 68.

For more information on State Pension age, Book a Free Consultation

See also  Deferring your state pension

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