Guidance for employers and businesses on the coronavirus - Makesworth

Guidance for employers and businesses on the coronavirus

Guidance for employers and businesses on the coronavirus

Guidance for employers and businesses on the coronavirus

Public Health England has published new guidance specifically for employers and businesses on the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The government says that the new guidance will assist employers and businesses in providing advice to staff on:

  • the novel coronavirus, COVID-19
  • how to help prevent spread of all respiratory infections, including COVID-19
  • what to do if someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 has been in a workplace setting
  • what advice to give to individuals who have travelled to specific areas, as outlined by the Chief Medical Officer
  • advice for the certification of absence from work resulting from COVID-19.

In addition, the government is publishing online daily updates for the general public on COVID-19, containing the latest information and advice, including on the current situation in the UK.

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