Job related expenses you may be able to claim - Makesworth Accountants

Job related expenses you may be able to claim

job related expenses hmrc

Job related expenses you may be able to claim

If you are an employee and use your own money to buy things you need for your job, you can sometimes claim tax relief for the associated costs. It is usually only possible to claim tax relief for the cost of items used solely for your work.

There is no tax relief available if your employer pays you back in full for an item you have bought for your work. In addition, you cannot claim tax relief if your employer has provided you with a suitable item, but you want a different or upgraded model. For example, you are provided with a mobile phone for your work, but you want to use a newer and more advanced model and pay for this yourself.

A claim for valid purchases can be made against receipts or as a ‘flat rate deduction’. The flat rate deductions are set amounts that HMRC has agreed are typically spent each year by employees in different occupations. They range from £60 to £140 depending on listed occupations. If your occupation isn’t listed, you may still be able to claim a standard annual amount of £60 in tax relief.

This means that if you are a basic rate taxpayer then you could claim back £12 (20% x £60), and if you are a higher rate taxpayer £24 (40% x £60) per year. Claims can usually be backdated for up to 4 years. If you work in one of the listed occupations, you could claim back even more.

Tax tip

You may also be able to claim tax relief for using your own vehicle and for travel expenses, professional fees and for buying equipment to use as part of your employment. The rules can be complex and we can help you crunch the numbers to see what tax relief may be available.

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For more information on Job related expenses HMRC, Book a Free Consultation

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