Make time for your own personal development - Makesworth Accountants

Make time for your own personal development

make time for your own personal development

Make time for your own personal development

As a leader in your firm, you are focused on developing the people around you. But who is responsible for your own personal development?

 If you want to help your employees to grow and develop, you need to invest time in developing yourself, as a leader.

In order to focus on your own personal development, you need to schedule a time to do so. If you don’t, your team and your business could outgrow you and your own career could stagnate.

Lead by example

If you want your team to take the time to invest in their own personal development, you need to lead by example. If you make time to learn and develop new skills, your team are more likely to follow suit. You may even be able to make suggestions to your team members, based on your own learning and development experiences.

Embrace technology

Learning and development don’t have to involve taking several days out to attend a conference or training session. There is an ever-expanding range of learning opportunities available online. The beauty of this is that you can take courses and attend webinars at a time that works for you.

Find a topic that interests you

There is no point trying to develop your skills in an area that you have no interest in. You want to feel motivated and keen to develop new skills. Do your research and find a development opportunity that you are passionate about. Personal development should be an interesting opportunity, not a chore.

Distractions can be a good thing

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Focusing on your own personal development gives you an opportunity to step back from your day job. We often come up with our best ideas when we are off doing something new or exciting. Taking time away from the day-to-day can help to provide new perspectives on things and re-evaluate your priorities.

When you get back to your desk, you may have new ideas and you should feel re-energized.

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